

Baptism Preparation provides an avenue for the instruction to parents of the ongoing importance of Baptism in the Church in the life of the child and in their lives as parents. Those who would like to have their expected child, newly born or young child baptized, please call the Parish Office for Baptism schedule.

First Confession and First Holy Communion

Thanks be to God, 65 young Catholics received God’s mercy in the sacrament of First Confession on November 9. May the Lord continue to bless these children and their families with the graces that come from confession, contrition, absolution and penance.


Formation begins in the 9th grade (or a consecutive year before the young person is to enter immediate preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation, i.e. Confirmation classes.)  At St. Philip Neri, this is done through our high school youth ministry program for public school students, or through the Catholic high school that the student attends.

Students are eligible to enter immediate preparation for the sacrament in 10th grade.  The program runs from September through May and includes about 15 Sunday night classes, an overnight retreat, a service project, sponsor and parent sessions, and a day pilgrimage.

Have you been Confirmed?
Are you looking for a meaningful way to share your gifts?
Peer ministers are already Confirmed teens who take on a leadership role with those who are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation.  Peer ministers, under the guidance of adult leaders, will help to plan prayer services, skits, small group discussions, and fun activities.  Those interested in becoming a peer minister should contact Ms. Hilary.  There will be training this summer for new peer ministers.


Couples who are planning to marry must contact the church one year prior to the prospective wedding date. Engaged couples are required to complete the Saint Philip Neri Marriage Program. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.


The RCIA program prepares those who are becoming part of the Catholic Church. It is designed to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God through word and deed and to catechize those who wish to join our faith community with a team that is prepared and comfortable with the topics and at ease with discussing their faith. The program runs from late August through the Easter Season. Call the Parish Office for more information.