Help Those in Need

Lay Apostolate of Prayer

A Ministry that meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM to pray the rosary and offer intercessory prayers for parishioners’ individual needs.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

A gathering of individuals who meet on Friday mornings at 10:00 AMin a prayerful atmosphere to crochet or knit shawls for those suffering from physical, spiritual, or emotional afflictions.

Saint Peregrine Cancer Support Ministry

This Ministry consists of a Support Group where those with cancer can pray together for healing, share tips on how to cope with side effects, and discuss their concerns and emotions with others who are going through the same thing. Whether you have been recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment, facing surgery, or in remission, you are invited to join this Group.

Home-bound Visitation

This Ministry is charged with bringing the love and compassion of Christ to those parishioners who are confined to the home.  Visits are made every one or two weeks.  A listening ear, a friendly smile, and a willingness to pray together are the key components of the visit.  Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual might also be part of the visit.

 Hospital Visitation

This Ministry is charged with visiting the sick once or twice a month at our local hospital, Baltimore/Washington Medical Center.  Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual is usually part of the visit, as well as encouraging the patients through conversation and a friendly smile.

 Nursing Home Visitation

This Ministry is charged with visiting those parishioners who reside in one of our local Nursing Homes.  Visits are made every one or two weeks.  A listening ear, a friendly smile, and a willingness to pray together are the key components of the visit.  Bringing Holy Eucharist to the individual might also be part of the visit.

 Pro-Life Committee

This Committee supports our local Crisis-Pregnancy Center, promotes the Pro-Life Message, and organizes the Annual March for Life Event in Washington, DC.

 Crisis-Pregnancy Center Ministry

By volunteering at the Catholic Crisis-Pregnancy Center in Glen Burnie you will provide young women with education and free material assistance to support their pregnancy.   The center provides free pregnancy tests and sonograms.   As a Volunteer you can interact directly with the women or help with the many jobs needed to keep the center running smoothly.  Women in need come to the Crisis-Pregnancy Center for material assistance, maternity clothing, baby and toddler clothing, and other essential items.

 F.I.S.H. Ministry (Fellowship In Serving Him)

This Ministry is intended to offer assistance to seniors and others in the parish who may be in a time of need due to age, health circumstances, or other life difficulties.  We offer to perform neighborly services, such as providing a meal; giving a ride to Mass or to an appointment; keeping in touch by phone, mail, or a visit; picking up a prescription or a few groceries; doing a little yard work; and praying for the person at their request.

Parish Ministry to “HOPE FOR ALL”

“Hope For All” is a local charitable organization that assists struggling families in Anne Arundel County.  It provides clothing and home furnishings.  Our parishioners volunteer with the organization.     

Prison Ministry

The Saint Philip Neri Prison Ministry is committed to the Corporal Work of Mercy of visiting the imprisoned.  Volunteers visit women and men in county and state institutions each week, encouraging Catholics and others to renew themselves in prayer, hope, and dignity, and aiding them in understanding the Catholic Faith.  The Ministry helps inmates embrace the Catholic Faith while in prison, and after their release.      

Social Outreach Ministry

This Ministry exists to provide for the spiritual and material needs within our parish family, as well as, those within our surrounding community.  Our objective is to reach out in prayer, service and love.  Volunteers are needed for our monthly Food Pantry.  Volunteers also assist with other programs throughout the year such as a Baby Shower in May to support the local pregnancy centers; distribution of school supplies in the Fall; baskets of food at Thanksgiving; and the Angel Giving Tree for Christmas.

Bereavement Ministry

(Pastor will meet with volunteers who indicate an interest in this Ministry.)  This Ministry assists the parish in ministering to families of deceased parishioners before, during and after the funeral.

CATCH Ministry

(Pastor directly recruits members for this Ministry.) The goal of this Ministry is to invite and connect people in our parish family and to bring them into a deeper spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ.  We do this, in part, by creating a pleasant and attractive environment in the church building.  We also develop creative outreach toward newly registered parishioners, and encourage people to volunteer in our parish Ministries.   As the name suggests, this Ministry seeks to cast a net and “catch” parishioners who would like to feel more a part of the Saint Philip Neri Community.

Healing Prayer Teams

(Pastor will meet with volunteers who indicate an interest in this Ministry.) Prayer Teams, of two or three members, meet after each Mass on the first weekend of the month to pray for individual parishioners’ physical and emotional needs.  Teams are available for half hour sessions by special appointment.  The Lord encourages us to “ask for what we need”, and this Ministry strives to help those in need to do just that!