Hospitality Ministry
At Parish events, this Ministry offers hospitality to attendees by preparing, displaying, and serving food and beverages which builds up friendship among our parishioners.
Money Counters Ministry
Three separate teams of parishioners who rotate on a weekly basis to count and organize the Offertory Collection taken up at weekend Masses. The teams ensure that all monies are properly documented and deposited at a local financial institution.

Audio/Video Ministry
Members help the parish to run its audio/video equipment and to communicate through social media. On Sundays, the members help run the video screens in church during Mass.
Facilities Committee
A group of parishioners who advise the Pastor concerning the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds. This group helps the Parish Staff to identify contractors who provide good service and good prices. The group generally meets every other month.
Finance Committee
(Pastor directly recruits members for this Committee.) A group of parishioners who advise the Pastor on financial matters, and hold the Pastor financially accountable. The committee works in conjunction with the parish bookkeeper. It monitors parish finances and helps craft the annual budget.
Pastoral Council
(Pastor directly recruits members for the Council.) The role of the Council is to advise the Pastor, through study and reflection, on how to address the needs of the parish, and how to evangelize the local community. New members are nominated by the Council or appointed by the Pastor. The Council meets monthly.