Altar Servers
Boys and girls, in Grades 4 – 12, who desire to serve the LORD in a very special way should consider serving at the Altar. Their assignments will comprise weekend Masses and other special liturgical services. Group training classes are held annually.
Altar Society
Members care for the sanctuary of the church. They are responsible for cleaning the worship space. They also contribute to keeping our worship area and environment beautiful.
Linen Ministry
The purpose of this Ministry is to launder and press linens used at all Church Masses. Once a week the linens are cleaned and pressed and returned.
Audio/Video Ministry
Members help the parish to run its audio/video equipment and to communicate through social media. On Sundays, the members help run video screens in church during Mass.

Early Childhood Ministry
Care for very young children during the 9:30 AM Mass. This Ministry provides basic Christian formation to the children through teachings and activities. Children are dropped off before Mass and picked up after Mass.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
For young children, Volunteers help them to celebrate, during the 9:30 AM Mass, the “Liturgy of the Word” which is suitably adapted to make it relevant to the lives and experiences of young children. Children’s Liturgy of the Word meets September through June.
Church Caretaker Ministry
The “Caretakers” stay after Mass a few minutes to refresh the church to make it neat and welcoming for those at the next Mass. Duties include straightening up the pews and kneelers, removing debris from the floor and aisles, straightening the Usher tables, and doing a sweep through the lobbies and entrances. It is a way to show affection for Christ, by keeping His house clean!
Greeter Ministry
Greeters share a tangible expression of God’s love through welcoming, assisting, and connecting members and visitors to St. Philip Neri Church. They greet guests at one of the four church entrances before and after Mass, and are available to answer questions, direct parishioners and visitors, and to provide helpful information.
Connection Point Ministry
This Ministry shares information, responds to inquiries, and connects guests to our parish before and after Masses each weekend. We dispense information about the church, its ministries and organizations, and volunteer opportunities. We also help register new parishioners and welcome visitors! Located in the North Lobby, the Connection Point booth becomes the central meeting spot for our parishioners.
This Ministry is integral to the beauty and effectiveness of the Mass. The lector offers him or herself in service to proclaim the Readings from Scripture, the Word of God. Training is provided.
Music Ministry
“Sing a Joyful Song unto the Lord!” This Ministry designs programs that integrate both contemporary and traditional Christian music into our parish liturgies. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings in the Church. Cantors serve the Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM Masses while a contemporary Choir serves at the 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Masses. Ability to sight read is not required.

This Ministry is comprised of parish men and women who prepare the sanctuary prior to Mass, assist the Priest during Mass, if necessary, and ensure everything is properly stored after Mass. This might include funeral Masses as well as regular weekend liturgy. Training is provided before active service begins.
These Volunteers help maintain a reverent atmosphere in church, assist at weekend and holy day Masses, and gather up the Offertory Collection. If necessary, they also render aid during an emergency by contacting necessary authorities.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Pastor directly recruits members for this Ministry.) This Ministry is open to members of the parish ages 18 and over who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Volunteers should possess a deep love of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and a willingness to serve our parishioners during liturgical celebrations. Training is provided before active service begins.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
(Pastor directly recruits members for this Ministry.) This Ministry is open to members of the parish ages 18 and over who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Volunteers should possess a deep love of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and a willingness to serve our parishioners during liturgical celebrations. Training is provided before active service begins.
Liturgy Committee
(Pastor directly recruits members for this Committee.) This Committee is comprised of members of St. Philip Neri Parish in conjunction with the Pastor. They consider and help implement suggestions regarding the worship environment, in order to provide and coordinate spiritual enhancement of the various liturgical celebrations held throughout the year.