Adult Formation and Evangelization Committee
This Committee helps the parish plan Adult Formation Programs to benefit our current parishioners and helps create evangelization efforts to draw in new parishioners.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
A Team of parishioners who guide those who are either inquiring or have decided to become part of the Catholic Church. The Team teaches the candidates and helps prepare them to receive the Sacraments for the first time. The program runs from Fall through the Easter Season, meeting one evening a week.
Youth Group Ministry
This Ministry is for Middle School and High School Students. Middle School meets on Friday evening, once a month, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, and the High School meets on Sunday evening, once a month, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The focus of the Ministry is to help youth grow into becoming disciples of Jesus through prayer, study of God’s Word, service, and fun activities. The Team of Volunteers works with the parish Youth Minister to teach, organize activities, and chaperone the youth.

Religious Education Teachers
Men and women who help teach religion class for children, Grades 1 – 8. They may serve as Teachers or Assistants for the Religious Education Classes. The Religious Education Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM, September through June.
Early Childhood Ministry
Care for very young children during the 9:30 AM Mass. This Ministry provides basic Christian formation to the children through teachings and activities. Children are dropped off before Mass and picked up after Mass.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
For young children, Volunteers help them to celebrate, during the 9:30 AM Mass, the “Liturgy of the Word” which is suitably adapted to make it relevant to the lives and experiences of young children. Children’s Liturgy of the Word meets September through June.
Baptism Preparation
A Team of parishioners who help instruct parents in preparation for their child’s Baptism. The Team tries to reconnect couples to the Catholic Church and to the parish. Baptism Classes are held on two consecutive Fridays, every other month.
First Confession/Communion Preparation
A Team of parishioners who prepare our Second Grade children for these Sacraments of Initiation. The Team leads classes on six week nights in the Fall and six week nights in the Spring.
Confirmation Preparation
A Team of parishioners who prepare our teenagers to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and to live as committed Catholics by serving God and others. The program encompasses classroom lessons, service, workshops, large and small group activities and retreats. The Team meets on Sunday evenings.
Marriage Preparation
A Team of parishioners who help prepare couples wishing to be married in the Catholic Church. The Team runs a marriage-preparation retreat several times a year.

Scouting Committee
Parishioners who help run the scouting programs in the parish. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts meet weekly to form youth in scouting principles that are integrated into Christian Faith. Through meetings, camping trips, and many fun activities, the Scouts learn how to grow in leadership skills, and how to serve and get along with others.
Cub Scouts (Ages 7 to 10)
meet on Wednesday evening, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM from September to May.
Boy Scouts (Ages 11 to 18)
meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM year round.
Girl Scouts (Ages 5 to 18)
meet in the afternoons and evenings. Adult Leadership positions and training are also available.
Sports Program
The parish offers soccer in the Fall and basketball in the Winter. Parishioners may serve as coaches, referees, and assistants. The goal of the Saint Philip Neri (SPN) Sports Program is to offer our children the opportunity to compete in an organized sports program that promotes Christian beliefs and values, respect for others, cooperation, teamwork and good sportsmanship through healthy competition and camaraderie. The SPN Sports Program is overseen by the SPN Sports Committee.
Vocations Committee
This Committee helps our young people discern God’s plan for their lives. It organizes presentations on Marriage, Priesthood, and Religious Life. It connects our youth to diocesan Vocations Events and organizes prayer efforts in the parish.